Tuesday 16 June 2015

Psychic Tuesday 16-06-15 Isstvan III

 Whilst Traversing the Sea of Souls 'in my mind'

I have come across information and images of interesting times ahead.

I truly believe that there will be a plastic 30k starter box set coming out sometime this year and this will introduce Horus Heresy and forge world in general into GW stores and will be the replacement range for the Hobbit IP. Secretly hoping this will happen at the Forge World open day in July!

With this in mind I was reading a recent post on Battlebunnies (battlebunnies.blogspot.co.uk) about the missing characters from the forge world books that have rules but no models, and it got me thinking.

What if the reason that these characters are missing models is that they will be done in plastic and be part of the 30k starter box set!!

Starter box set to be set on Isstvan III with generic plastic marines but will have plastic HQ characters for the Emperors Children (Saul Tarvitz), Sons of Horus (Maloghurst), and the World Eaters (I can't remember his name).
Saul Tarvitz (Captain of the Emperors Children)

Maloghurst the Twisted (Sons of Horus Captain).
Interesting times ahead,

Let me know your thoughts and comments

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