Thursday 30 April 2015

Salute 2015 Picture report

Hi Guys and Girls, so I have finally got around to uploading my set of pics I took at Salute 2015 enjoy :-)

This years Salute guide and Event Miniature :-)

Well organised queuing    9.59am

10.00am Bundle!!!!

Anvil Studios

Mierce Miniatures

Star Wars Battle of Hoth board, Empire side

Star Wars Battle of Hoth, Rebel Base.

Rebels side of battle

Mierce Miniatures

Battle systems Fantasy

Battle Systems Sci-fi

4ground laser cut card village

4ground desert

4ground Pegasus Bridge

4ground Sci-fi

BSG game

4ground church

Titan Forge

Help for Heroes

Help for Heroes

Pegasus Bridge board.

Big Ass Ship model

Cool lighted up info board.

close up of big ass dropship model


Nice painted Knight

So that was my collection of pictures I took at Salute 2015. It was my first time and I will deferently be going again in the future. :-)

Tuesday 28 April 2015

New Imperial Knights Spotted!!!

I'm not intending to make this blog a rumour style blog with upcoming stuff but this is to good to miss.

My Brother got his copy of this weekends WDW and the new Visions today at lunch and has sent me these pic from this phone.
Cover of WDW

Set of photos from this weekends WDW. :-)

Now a set of close up pics :-)

Really like the new Head, just makes them look mean.