Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Psychic Tuesday 30-06-15 The Future of 40k Is very Grim DARK!!

AOS, AOS, AOS is running through my head, multiple futures and multiple dimension.

the future look Grim DARK, well the future has always looked grim dark in the 41st millennium :-)

So with all the changes happening in the WARHAMMER fantasy side of the hobby, and most of the rumours about how Age of Sigmar will play (most of these look like they have been confirmed), the future of 40k maybe in line to change in the same way.

I have thought about how the changes that are happening to fantasy, with a more simplistic form of game play than the current tome that is 8th and what this actually means for the future.  so the rumours go that all armys will be made up from war-scrolls rather than from army books.

This may seem very odd, but when you think about it, as a company GW don't need to release army books for all or none of the armies, as they have said that all current army units will have war-scrolls for use straight away, so there is no need to wait months or years to use your army or race of choice, so everyone is at the same stage right from the beginning (this seems like a good move).

So battles can be a big or as small as you want them to be, this makes the transition of existing players as painless as possible, but also makes it much easier for beginners to enter the fantasy hobby as well (this seems like a good move as well).

I'm fully aware of the numbers of fantasy players in the hobby and I'm always amazed when I visit a GW store anywhere in the country (UK) that there are multiple games of Fantasy being played (I truly hope that this continues with the release of AOS (Age of Sigmar).

There will not be any Army books from this point on as all units will be covered by War-scrolls, but expect to see multiple source / campaign books in the style of 'end times' in the near future, these could contain campaign specific rules / war-scrolls / formations etc rather than army general rules (this seems like a good move).

I have not played or purchase any fantasy models since i was much younger (prob mid 90's) and at that time I had quiet a large selection of army books and small armies, I have always enjoyed the fluff of the warhammer world and have kept an eye on the goings on over the years. I got back into the hobby about 2year ago mainly due to the Horus Heresy / black library and was always tempted to purchase some fantasy models and got really close to making the plunge with all the end times stuff / fluff but never quite got there, this was probably mainly due to cost commitments of starting a large enough army to play games.

With the release of AOS this looks like the perfect time to start :-)

So to get back on topic, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE FUTURE OF W40K?

I foresee that 40k could be heading down the same route as AOS, this will be a radical change for both systems and will either make or brake GW. This may be one of the reasons why 40k releases of outstanding army / codex's seem to be rushed, in terms of 7th ed only Imp guard and Tau are remaining (so what happens when these have all been released?).

interesting times ahead!!!

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