As I've mentioned in a previous post that the marines will be based off the vertain sprues and the chapter upgrade sets, I am also hoping that any game associated with this release will be hex based like BAC. hears hoping. :-)
Monday, 7 December 2015
Deathwatch boxed game!! 08-12-15
With the recent release of the Betrayal at Calth boxed game from GW, I feel that there is a better than average chance that we will see a boxed game release in the near future based on the Deathwatch and also if the recent rumours have any validity then we maybe seeing the deathwatch verse a genestealer cult, with new plastic multi part hybrids a rerelease of the plastic tyranid brood lord, a new plastic patriarch and magus!!! :-)
Monday, 16 November 2015
Good things ahead!!! 16-11-15
After getting my hands on the Wonderful box game Betrayal of Calth, it seems that there is only good things ahead, and also the surprise news that specialist games are returning so to me this is the best time to be in the hobby :-) . The way I see things the creating of the specialist games department and its integration with Forgeworld we will see the spaces that used to be reserved for LOTR and the Hobbit changed to be the specialty games section with all available specialist games and a selection of forgeworld blisters. Also I thing if the specialist games become more and more popular then we may also see a specialist games magazine prob monthly, with experimental and expansions rules for games like Betrayal of Calth.
As I have said, good times ahead :-)
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Remember Remember the 7th of November (What wait!!!!).
So finally GW have revelled that the Horus Heresy Boxset is coming November 14th, with special preview on the 7th November.
The blog post title will only make sense to my british readers as the original saying is 'remember remember the 5th of November a makes reference to Guy Fawkes and bonfire day in the uk, but I thougth it was a good call as the 7th will be remembered just as long as guy fawkes. :-)
The blog post title will only make sense to my british readers as the original saying is 'remember remember the 5th of November a makes reference to Guy Fawkes and bonfire day in the uk, but I thougth it was a good call as the 7th will be remembered just as long as guy fawkes. :-)
Monday, 12 October 2015
Psychic Tuesday 13-10-15 Battle of Sisters?
Over the past couple of years we have seen the emergence of 'bucket list style' releases from GW prime and both black library and forgeworld.
These include Adept Mechanicum army, Warlord Titan, plastic blood thrister, Natasha, Horus hersy novels and army books, primarchs etc, etc.
So all in all the last few years have been great for old school hobbyists like myself and newbies, so where is this going, well with the iniment release of the plastic Horus Hersey range, I have a stronger than not feeling that a plastic range of Sisters of battle is just around the corner :-)
With the up img release from black library of the 'beast arises' novels set in the 32nd millennium, we may see a retcon of the sisters fluff to fit into this timeline and not only from the 36th millennium onwards.
Let me know your thought and what sort of things are on your GW bucket list :-)
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Psychic Tuesday 06-10-15 Who Watches the DeathWatch!!
!!Who Watches the DeathWatch!!!
With the release of the fourth Deathwatch short read yesterday, I've come to the conclusion that we are still on course for a standalone Deathwatch box set game.
The four deathwatch novels relate to the four recent release chapter upgrade sprues in terms of one being ultramarine, blood Angel, dark angel and space wolves, also this last weekend re boxing of the stern guard and vanguard sets to 32mm this adds greater evidence that this is on its way!!! :-)
So all we need to look for is a dedicated deathwatch shoulder pad sprue than the marine forces would be complete.
Also of note is that at the upcoming 40k open days 17th and 18th October they are saying that there will be a new display featuring two army's that have never featured in a display before, could this be a Deathwatch vs (a new xenos race,) or maybe a genestealer cult army!!!
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Psychic Tuesday 15-09-15 plastic Horus Heresy Zone Mortalis?
Better later than never!!! :-)
So I came across the WDW teaser for next next week and it mentions Zone Mortalis, Interesting :-)
What if the upcoming plastic heresy starter box set is in fact a stand alone Zone Mortalis game :-)
Rumours are that the box set is set between ultramarine vs word bearers and is set in space in Ultrama
So a zone Mortalis style game is not out of the realms of possibility
See you next week!!
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Psychic Tuesday 08-09-15 Horus Heresy Starter Set (Thoughts)
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Macragge Honour Artwork |
I was thinking that the Starter set will be more like the age of sigmar and dark vengeance starter sets, with models that are (snap fit) rather than multi part. many people might think that this is not the case as some leaked images of multi part model sprues are all over the internet. This is not the definitive proof that the started set is only multi part , just look at the age of sigmar release, there is the main snap fit starter set, but there is also a lot of multi part model sets that have come out since the original set.
I would like this to be the case with the Horus Heresy box set and would keep the price down to the same as age of sigmar and dark vengeance.
This would act as a good starting point for any armies.
This would hopefully lead to a similar release schedule like age of sigmar that would see multiple box set of different armour sets, contemptor dreadnoughts and tanks etc.
Looking forward to see where this is going
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Horus Heresy Plastics "Thoughts"
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Horus Heresy Loyalist Legions |
as many of you have seen there are a few pic leaks of the upcoming plastic HH release, they seem to show a veteran tactical squad in mk4 armour and two character models one mk4 chaplain and one Catactractii terminator.
In my travels through the warp I have seen images of additional units that maybe within the boxset.
My Personal feelings is that there will be two sets of Identical marine forces within the starter boxset of the following, 1x 10 man veteran tactical squad (able to be constructed as normal 10 tact legion squad) 1 x 5 Catathratii legion squad (with standard weapon options) and either the mk4 or Catathratii special character, this would prob work out as 8plus sprues and would be the same amount as whats in size the age of sigmar boxset.
soon after release there will be plastic sets (prob 10 man) veteran tactical squads in mk3 and also mk6
and separate releases of mk4 squad and Catathratii legion squad. I also feel there will be a plastic Contemptor dreadnought and plastic full kit versions of 30k style rhinos and predators.
In terms of gaining evidence for the above I feel that the plastic mk6 would be easier to produce than mk4 and mk5 armour also there isn't a legion version of mk6 squad like mk3 and mk4 so would indicate that this is already been throught about for quite a while, the hardest set would be the production of mk3 in plastic as there isn't much reference pieces for mk3 in plastic unlike the other marks of armour.
Plastic contemptor dreadnoughts would be quite simple to achieve and looking at the plastic mechanicam robots they have a base model half way there already.
Plastic predator and rhino full kits should also be quite easy to achieve as well.
So its all looking good for the plastic 30k release, roll along October!!
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Who watches the Deathwatch!! psychic Tuesday 04-08-15
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Space Wolf Deathwatch Space Marine |
Rumours are abound that there is a stand alone Deathwatch game coming out and an interesting side note is that this will be space marines vs Genestealer cults (internet rejoices). this rumour is validated by all the Deathwatch independent video games hitting the market and also the number of stories coming from Black library.
from a model point of view a stand alone game similar to the recent Assassin box set could work well and this could be validated by the recent chapter upgrade sprues, they would only need to add a generic Deathwatch sprue to the set and that would be quite a good start to a Deathwatch set.
It looks like GW are listening to us gamers and actually giving us what we want (Happy Times).
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Psychic Tuesday 28-07-15 AOS for Life
Me outside Warhammer World yesterday (27-07-15) |
Images of the New Age of Sigmar display at Warhammer World |
So Yesterday was My Birthday (I won't tell you how old) and while traveling back from a few days holiday in the Peak District me and the wife stop off at WARHAMMER WORLD, Nottingham. and the first thing you notice is that they have changed the statue to the front of the main building from a space marine to a gold plated Sigmarite. this is a sure sign that GW are really investing deeply in the Age of Sigmar, they even have a AOS display as part of the Exhibition area. the models for the new box set are so damn good and good value.
So did I get any information or observations in the time I was there, Firstly if you ever get the chance to visit I would highly recommend it (best to go when there is no event as you have unlimited time to look at the models) I notice that Nagash and a couple of Undead models were not on display, so this could indicate that they were being photographed and there could be a AOS undead suppliment coming in the near future. there were no new AOS models mixed into any displays so they are keeping thinks tightly under raps. also having seen the leaked pics of Horus heresy plastics that very morning i had some covert conversations with the Forge world shop staff and they seem to indicate indirectly that November could be a interesting month.
see you next time.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
The Unintentional Consequence of Age of Sigmar!!
With the release of the Age of Sigmar version of Warhammer, there has been a unforeseen consequence in the Gaming Industry. Just before the release of the the new game, a lot of my local Independent stockist didn't like the lack of information coming from GW Prime and decided that now was the time to stop selling GW. Another Consequence of this was that a lot of these stores have been doing 2-1 deals or 50% off deals to clear there stock, and I've been busy buying all the best stock I can at discount prices while I can :-)
So good hunting to you all, hope you find a bargain :-)
The Warp has been calm this week so there is no regular psychic Tuesday, see you next Tuesday :-)
So good hunting to you all, hope you find a bargain :-)
The Warp has been calm this week so there is no regular psychic Tuesday, see you next Tuesday :-)
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Psychic Tuesday 30-06-15 The Future of 40k Is very Grim DARK!!
AOS, AOS, AOS is running through my head, multiple futures and multiple dimension.
the future look Grim DARK, well the future has always looked grim dark in the 41st millennium :-)
So with all the changes happening in the WARHAMMER fantasy side of the hobby, and most of the rumours about how Age of Sigmar will play (most of these look like they have been confirmed), the future of 40k maybe in line to change in the same way.
I have thought about how the changes that are happening to fantasy, with a more simplistic form of game play than the current tome that is 8th and what this actually means for the future. so the rumours go that all armys will be made up from war-scrolls rather than from army books.
This may seem very odd, but when you think about it, as a company GW don't need to release army books for all or none of the armies, as they have said that all current army units will have war-scrolls for use straight away, so there is no need to wait months or years to use your army or race of choice, so everyone is at the same stage right from the beginning (this seems like a good move).
So battles can be a big or as small as you want them to be, this makes the transition of existing players as painless as possible, but also makes it much easier for beginners to enter the fantasy hobby as well (this seems like a good move as well).
I'm fully aware of the numbers of fantasy players in the hobby and I'm always amazed when I visit a GW store anywhere in the country (UK) that there are multiple games of Fantasy being played (I truly hope that this continues with the release of AOS (Age of Sigmar).
There will not be any Army books from this point on as all units will be covered by War-scrolls, but expect to see multiple source / campaign books in the style of 'end times' in the near future, these could contain campaign specific rules / war-scrolls / formations etc rather than army general rules (this seems like a good move).
I have not played or purchase any fantasy models since i was much younger (prob mid 90's) and at that time I had quiet a large selection of army books and small armies, I have always enjoyed the fluff of the warhammer world and have kept an eye on the goings on over the years. I got back into the hobby about 2year ago mainly due to the Horus Heresy / black library and was always tempted to purchase some fantasy models and got really close to making the plunge with all the end times stuff / fluff but never quite got there, this was probably mainly due to cost commitments of starting a large enough army to play games.
With the release of AOS this looks like the perfect time to start :-)
So to get back on topic, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE FUTURE OF W40K?
I foresee that 40k could be heading down the same route as AOS, this will be a radical change for both systems and will either make or brake GW. This may be one of the reasons why 40k releases of outstanding army / codex's seem to be rushed, in terms of 7th ed only Imp guard and Tau are remaining (so what happens when these have all been released?).
interesting times ahead!!!
the future look Grim DARK, well the future has always looked grim dark in the 41st millennium :-)
So with all the changes happening in the WARHAMMER fantasy side of the hobby, and most of the rumours about how Age of Sigmar will play (most of these look like they have been confirmed), the future of 40k maybe in line to change in the same way.
I have thought about how the changes that are happening to fantasy, with a more simplistic form of game play than the current tome that is 8th and what this actually means for the future. so the rumours go that all armys will be made up from war-scrolls rather than from army books.
This may seem very odd, but when you think about it, as a company GW don't need to release army books for all or none of the armies, as they have said that all current army units will have war-scrolls for use straight away, so there is no need to wait months or years to use your army or race of choice, so everyone is at the same stage right from the beginning (this seems like a good move).
So battles can be a big or as small as you want them to be, this makes the transition of existing players as painless as possible, but also makes it much easier for beginners to enter the fantasy hobby as well (this seems like a good move as well).
I'm fully aware of the numbers of fantasy players in the hobby and I'm always amazed when I visit a GW store anywhere in the country (UK) that there are multiple games of Fantasy being played (I truly hope that this continues with the release of AOS (Age of Sigmar).
There will not be any Army books from this point on as all units will be covered by War-scrolls, but expect to see multiple source / campaign books in the style of 'end times' in the near future, these could contain campaign specific rules / war-scrolls / formations etc rather than army general rules (this seems like a good move).
I have not played or purchase any fantasy models since i was much younger (prob mid 90's) and at that time I had quiet a large selection of army books and small armies, I have always enjoyed the fluff of the warhammer world and have kept an eye on the goings on over the years. I got back into the hobby about 2year ago mainly due to the Horus Heresy / black library and was always tempted to purchase some fantasy models and got really close to making the plunge with all the end times stuff / fluff but never quite got there, this was probably mainly due to cost commitments of starting a large enough army to play games.
With the release of AOS this looks like the perfect time to start :-)
So to get back on topic, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE FUTURE OF W40K?
I foresee that 40k could be heading down the same route as AOS, this will be a radical change for both systems and will either make or brake GW. This may be one of the reasons why 40k releases of outstanding army / codex's seem to be rushed, in terms of 7th ed only Imp guard and Tau are remaining (so what happens when these have all been released?).
interesting times ahead!!!
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Psychic Tuesday 23-06-15 Age of Sigmar!!!
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Age of Sigmar is Coming |
I came across images from worlds that may of existed or are still to be, the warp is the realm of the gods not always of the chaos variety, one thing that binds all these together is the name of 'Sigmar'
'Who the F**k is Sigmar!!
The following is a my mad prediction and rambling about the future, of Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, I have been reading lots of rumours about 'The Age of Sigmar' the one I was reading the other day was really far out with lots of new races, gods, realms and ways of playing that got me thinking out side the box.
If these rumours are true than there is the possibility of multiple new races coming into this new version of Warhammer, this is interesting as this allows for loads on new models for a range that traditionally was struggling to sell as many models as W40k. new races, new gods, new multiple universes equals the opportunity for some of these new races and maybe some of the traditional races making the leap into the 'W40k UNIVERSE' (bear with me).
Lets say that there is a 30k Great Crusade / plastic box set coming in the near future, this could be the opportunity for races like skaven and lizardmen appearing in 30k (as races encountered during the great crusade) this would also lead to any new races for Age of Sigmar having the same treatment.
With all these new races and models coming this would lead to an increase in models being purchased for both systems and ending the lack of warhammer models being sold.
The Age of Sigmar is a massive gamble for GW and hopefully this is the beginning of a new golden age for the GW model business an (AGE OF SIGMAR).
Wow that has been one of my most far fetch ideas for the upcoming GW future I have ever come up with, but i believe that there is a sliver of truth in there somewhere.
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Psychic Tuesday 16-06-15 Isstvan III
Whilst Traversing the Sea of Souls 'in my mind'
I have come across information and images of interesting times ahead.
I truly believe that there will be a plastic 30k starter box set coming out sometime this year and this will introduce Horus Heresy and forge world in general into GW stores and will be the replacement range for the Hobbit IP. Secretly hoping this will happen at the Forge World open day in July!
With this in mind I was reading a recent post on Battlebunnies ( about the missing characters from the forge world books that have rules but no models, and it got me thinking.
What if the reason that these characters are missing models is that they will be done in plastic and be part of the 30k starter box set!!
Starter box set to be set on Isstvan III with generic plastic marines but will have plastic HQ characters for the Emperors Children (Saul Tarvitz), Sons of Horus (Maloghurst), and the World Eaters (I can't remember his name).
Interesting times ahead,
Let me know your thoughts and comments
I have come across information and images of interesting times ahead.
I truly believe that there will be a plastic 30k starter box set coming out sometime this year and this will introduce Horus Heresy and forge world in general into GW stores and will be the replacement range for the Hobbit IP. Secretly hoping this will happen at the Forge World open day in July!
With this in mind I was reading a recent post on Battlebunnies ( about the missing characters from the forge world books that have rules but no models, and it got me thinking.
What if the reason that these characters are missing models is that they will be done in plastic and be part of the 30k starter box set!!
Starter box set to be set on Isstvan III with generic plastic marines but will have plastic HQ characters for the Emperors Children (Saul Tarvitz), Sons of Horus (Maloghurst), and the World Eaters (I can't remember his name).
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Saul Tarvitz (Captain of the Emperors Children) |
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Maloghurst the Twisted (Sons of Horus Captain). |
Let me know your thoughts and comments
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Psychic Tuesday 9-6-15 Double D's of Power
I'm currently on holiday at the moment but the flow of the warp never stops :-)
With the imminent release of the seventh edition of codex space marine, images and information keeps coming and going.
One of the main points that imprints into my mind is that Marneus Calgar is now a Lord of War,
Another piece of foresight is that he comes with the option to do a strength D double power fist attack when in combat!!!
With the imminent release of the seventh edition of codex space marine, images and information keeps coming and going.
One of the main points that imprints into my mind is that Marneus Calgar is now a Lord of War,
Another piece of foresight is that he comes with the option to do a strength D double power fist attack when in combat!!!
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Psykic Tuesday 02-06-15
Bet you didn't see this coming, but it's the first Psykic Tuesday of June 2015 :-)
So the flow of the Warp is strong at the moment and Images and thoughts keep coming into my mind.
So for my predictions this week I have a double Whammy!!
First Off
To help the plastic Horus Heresy rumours that are bouncing around the internet's, I believe that we will see a plastic Contemptor Dreadnought as part of the release :-)
with the recent release of the chapter upgrades
I have foreseen that there will be a Deathwatch upgrade sprue release coming very soon and also the possibility of a Deathwatch boxed game, similar in style to space hulk and the recent assassins game :-)
So thats it for this week.
So the flow of the Warp is strong at the moment and Images and thoughts keep coming into my mind.
So for my predictions this week I have a double Whammy!!
First Off
To help the plastic Horus Heresy rumours that are bouncing around the internet's, I believe that we will see a plastic Contemptor Dreadnought as part of the release :-)
With the recent release of the AD-Mech Kastellan Robots there are a lot of design similarities between these and the FW Contemptor Dreadnought. |
Pic of my recent purchase of Kastellan Robots (Wonderfully designed Models) |
Final Comparison pic, just had to add the new plastic magos, now this is what you call a amazing model, and he's £22 because he's a two sprue set. |
with the recent release of the chapter upgrades
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Dark Angel Upgrade Sprue |
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Ultramarine Upgrade Sprue ETC.. |
So thats it for this week.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Psykic Tuesday 26-05-15
Hi Guys and Girls,
So back to my normal psykic self :-)
My predictions for the near future is that Forge World will release a Horus Heresy inspired master class Book at its open day in July.
After my recent visit to the reopening of Warhammer World and a walk around the design studio i notices the following marines painted in various stages of completion, they had all been painted using the new air brush paints.
See you next week :-)
So back to my normal psykic self :-)
My predictions for the near future is that Forge World will release a Horus Heresy inspired master class Book at its open day in July.
After my recent visit to the reopening of Warhammer World and a walk around the design studio i notices the following marines painted in various stages of completion, they had all been painted using the new air brush paints.
4 stage Death Guard. |
5 Stage Space WOLVES |
5 Stage Word Bearers |
5 Stage Emperors Children |
5 Stage Raven Guard |
5 Stage Sons of Horus |
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Warhammer World reopening coverage video part 3 of 3 (the long one)
Warhammer World reopening coverage video part 3 of 3 (the long one)
So this is the last part of my video coverage i was able to take at the reopening of Warhammer World,
and includes coverage within all the exhibition areas.
This video is rather long so feel free to fast forward any sections that don't interest you and just watch the ones that you do :-).
of special note are the following dioramas
(FANTASY) the massive siege of an Empire city by a horde of green skins.
(FANTASY) a total Nurgle infested castle that includes a lot of conversions and one offs
(HH) redesigned Isstvan V board with emperors children vs iron hands (check out the epic battle in the middle between Ferras and Fulgrim).
(W40K) Grand parade of the imperial guard, this was my favorite display and just loved the fluff of it. look out for the central building that contains the generals and advisors (space marines as well) all the marching guard models all have there heads turn towards the central building in a parade salute as do the tank turrets (nice touch).
(W40K) The whole of the Ultramarine chapter (1000+ marines) vs a equal or larger Khorne Daemonkin army. This display is so Hugh that from the elevated area as you enter the room the board look at epic scale, there is so much detail and little battles going on that you need a good ten minutes to properly check it all out. There is to many thinks to look out for that I won't list them all here, but a few thinks of note are the titan battle going on out side the city and includes one of the painted Warlord titans, a Reaver and a host of Warhounds (one is being hit by a drop pod) and knights, including chaos knights and daemon engines.
Also of note is the epic battle of Marlus Calgar and the Bloodthister on top of the tower. if you want more information about this board then you can purchase the Blood Oath supplement from the main GW story that has a complete fluff background story to the board and some professional photos.
Truly this display is just awesome and is worth a visit to the new Warhammer World just to see it.
Warhammer World reopening coverage video part 2 of 3
This part of the video is my travels around the art gallery and the design studio area and a quick look at the new models and WIP's this does include the WARLORD Titan which you will see is the most epic model ever and is just truly awesome :-).
also I don't think it has been mentioned anywhere else on the net, but the nurgle daemon prince model that was previewed next to Samus has a name 'COR BAX daemon prince of the Ruinstorm'.
Just a Little bit of information on the Warlord, they had 6 Complete models to purchase at £1140 and they all went on the first day within the first hour (WOW), they also had orders for another 14 by the end of the first day (so thats 20 sold) I visited on the sunday and I heard rumours that they had taken orders for about the same amount!!!
main coverage of the new displays is in the last video and is rather long.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Warhammer World reopening coverage video part 1 of 3 (edit)
In this first part I arrive at the new improved Warhammer World, have alook around the new Forge World shop and then a look around the design studio area. (EDIT: Sorry this bit only covers arrival and look around the design studio)
The exhibit area has been increased from 1 room upto 5 and there is a following video or what to expect in side :-)
First impressions are the the entrance and venue have been vastly improved and it has a Museum like feel to the place. the shop has been split into three separate shops, one dedicated to GW prime, one to FW and one to Black Library (this one was a little bit disappointing and was expecting more thinks).
Forgeworld shop is very cool and you can see from the coverage above that they have several cabinets full of assembled FW resin, which is a nice touch.
The last part of the video is my travels around the design studio area and a quick look at the new models and WIP's this does include the WARLORD Titan which you will see is the most epic model ever and is just truly awesome :-).
Just a Little bit of information on the Warlord, they had 6 Complete models to purchase at £1140 and they all went on the first day within the first hour (WOW), they also had orders for another 14 by the end of the first day (so thats 20 sold) I visited on the sunday and I heard rumours that they had taken orders for about the same amount!!!
I will try to post up the next two parts later today, but until then enjoy. :-)
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Psykic Tuesday 19-05-15
Not really a proper Psykic Tuesday today as most of my time has been spent editing my video footage I took at Warhammer World on Sunday (hint look out for video posts coming soon).
So as I just mentioned I was at the Grand reopening of Warhammer World last Sunday and if you get a chance I would highly recommend a pilgrimage as the new displays are just breath taking, so as such my psykic powers are a bit weak at the moment :-)
In terms of my predictions for the weekend I was about half right :-) and to remind you readers of my predictions that i got right were
The release of the model for Primarch Robute Guilliman (beautiful model and just how I imagine him to look, just like a roman emperor).
The release of the Warlord titan (damn!!! enough said) :-) truly an epic model and just massive and highly detailed, much better than I was expecting :-)
As I mentioned earlier there will be serval post of video footage that i will upload soon.
So till next WEEK, stay tuned :-)
So as I just mentioned I was at the Grand reopening of Warhammer World last Sunday and if you get a chance I would highly recommend a pilgrimage as the new displays are just breath taking, so as such my psykic powers are a bit weak at the moment :-)
In terms of my predictions for the weekend I was about half right :-) and to remind you readers of my predictions that i got right were
The release of the model for Primarch Robute Guilliman (beautiful model and just how I imagine him to look, just like a roman emperor).
The release of the Warlord titan (damn!!! enough said) :-) truly an epic model and just massive and highly detailed, much better than I was expecting :-)
As I mentioned earlier there will be serval post of video footage that i will upload soon.
So till next WEEK, stay tuned :-)
Friday, 15 May 2015
Forge World New products available at the opening weekend :-)
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Psykic Tuesday 12-05-15
So my predictions and foresight this week is that we will be seeing Sisters of Battle in plastic within the next few months, having recently purchased a few boxes of Skitarii and having put together 20 or so models, I've come to the conclusion that it won't take much remodeling in a computer to change the base models into plastic sisters, a lot of the details are already there from flowing robes, the mechanical legs are very slender so could be smoothed into lady legs very easily, so could the torso and arms. this is a very interesting development and would differently be considering starting a sister of battle army if this was to see the light of day. I have always like the fluff of the sisters and it would be good for them to be centre stage.
also of note, a pop out box in the recent WDW did make reference to the forces of the mechanicus are often oppose to that of the sisters (interesting fluff hint).
I'm heading to the Grand re-opening of Warhammer World this weekend and I will keep my eyes peeled (all three :-)) and see what I can see :-)
Interesting times ahead.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Psykic Tuesday 05-05-15
Psykic Tuesday 05-05-15
All the fives :-)
just a short post for today.
Using my powers (I reckon that I'm a level 3 librarian) my foresight this week is 'That there is a Chaos Space Marine releases just around the corner', with a few new plastic sets coming and would include a new designed squad box similar or in the vain of the Blood Angels Tactical box :-) also of note is that these new kits will be on 32mm bases rather than 25mm.
my reason to my musing above is based on the recent Assassins box release, after looking in the box and watching a few unboxing videos I noticed that the snap together chaos marines are not supplied with 25mm slotter bases and are actually supplied with 32mm bases and you are required to clip off the slotter part and glue onto 32mm bases, this is very odd and I couldn't work out why this has been done and one of my solutions is the paragraph above.
so that's it for this week :-)
comments welcome..
All the fives :-)
just a short post for today.
Using my powers (I reckon that I'm a level 3 librarian) my foresight this week is 'That there is a Chaos Space Marine releases just around the corner', with a few new plastic sets coming and would include a new designed squad box similar or in the vain of the Blood Angels Tactical box :-) also of note is that these new kits will be on 32mm bases rather than 25mm.
my reason to my musing above is based on the recent Assassins box release, after looking in the box and watching a few unboxing videos I noticed that the snap together chaos marines are not supplied with 25mm slotter bases and are actually supplied with 32mm bases and you are required to clip off the slotter part and glue onto 32mm bases, this is very odd and I couldn't work out why this has been done and one of my solutions is the paragraph above.
so that's it for this week :-)
comments welcome..
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Salute 2015 Picture report
Hi Guys and Girls, so I have finally got around to uploading my set of pics I took at Salute 2015 enjoy :-)
So that was my collection of pictures I took at Salute 2015. It was my first time and I will deferently be going again in the future. :-)
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This years Salute guide and Event Miniature :-) |
Well organised queuing 9.59am |
10.00am Bundle!!!! |
Anvil Studios |
Mierce Miniatures |
Star Wars Battle of Hoth board, Empire side |
Star Wars Battle of Hoth, Rebel Base. |
Rebels side of battle |
Mierce Miniatures |
Battle systems Fantasy |
Battle Systems Sci-fi |
4ground laser cut card village |
4ground desert |
4ground Pegasus Bridge |
4ground Sci-fi |
BSG game |
4ground church |
Titan Forge |
Help for Heroes |
Help for Heroes |
Pegasus Bridge board. |
Big Ass Ship model |
Cool lighted up info board. |
close up of big ass dropship model |
Stormtroopers |
Nice painted Knight |
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